Saturday, December 4, 2010


-Betsy SchneiderliThe visual content of this picture is a little girl looking back as she is about to go through a small opening in the fence. The shadows suggest that the sun is going down. The little girl has dirt on her face and a sad or tired look. The color of her clothes and eyes match the colors in the sky behind her.

The design elements used are line because the little girl and fence are vertical. Tone because of the shadows and texture because of the rough wood of the fence.

The design principles are balance of the majority of the fence taking up the picture compared to the small part of the background sky we can see, proportion being the little girl compared to the size of the fence, and emphasis on the little girl.

The color scheme is pretty neutral with the only bright colors being her clothes, eyes and the sky that all go together very well.

The photo is visually effective I wouldn't change anything.

The look and the dirt on the little girl's face draws me in.

I like the image because it reminds me of being a little kid.

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