Monday, December 6, 2010


The visual content of this image is the back of a woman facing a person sitting across from her, a brick wall and turqoiuse colored booths.
Three design elements of this picture are texture of the brick wall, direction because of the way the woman and seats are places and probably size in relation to the booths to the brick wall.
The three design principles that are used are emphasis on texture of the brick wall and and the direction the photo makes you look towards the brick wall, proportion of the lady and the wall, and horizontal balance of everything in the picture and then the woman sticking out as vertical balance.
The color scheme is pretty colorful with a big black outline, different reds in the backgound, turqoise, white and gray. I think that the color is used effectively. It's very realistic.
It would be more visually effective if I could see what the woman is looking at but that probably defeats the purpose of the piece.
What draws me in to this picture is trying to see what she is looking at. Her barretts in her hair catch my eye and also they are both holding cigarettes.
I think this photo image is ok. I don't particularly like it or dislike it. It's just kind of boring to me.

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